Anthony ‘Anton’ Forbes-Roberts

Vice Chair of Internal Affairs

A Vancouver BC native, Anton played rugby as one of several sports in high school, where his modest efforts at outside center and wing helped his Carson Graham Eagles win two city championships. Anton did not come back to the game as a player until a brief stint in Japan in the mid-1990s.  Then in 2013, having lived in the US for many years and recently moved to Atlanta, he found a small neighborhood group playing youth rugby. Anton signed up his two boys, joined as a coach and helped create a nonprofit Board, recruited members, and took the full reins of the club in 2015.

Since that time Atlanta Youth Rugby (“AYR”) has grown from 35 local kids to serving over 3000 in 12 neighborhoods, with over 45% identifying as female; 85% identifying as ethnic minorities, and 80% from underserved neighborhoods. Its founding partnership with Life U has grown to include not just student-athlete coaches but Board representation and professional experience with internships. MLR’s RugbyATL has become another key partner, along with Penn Mutual and Northside Hospital for the AYR-developed SafePlay program.

AYR is supported by Anton’s friend and past colleague Mayor Andre Dickens, who has provided this introduction.

Anton was elected President of Rugby Georgia for a 2-year term in 2016, serving its members with best practices leadership in strategy and operations as well as strengthening its balance sheet.

Anton has also held many volunteer leadership positions in the Boy Scouts of America; and served as a volunteer coach and Board member for InterAtlanta FC. He has also coached youth baseball, flag football and tennis. And of course continues to coach rugby for AYR and for the USA South Panthers.

In his professional life, Anton holds an MBA and has been an executive at several Fortune 500 companies; a nonprofit executive and advisor; as well as pursuing a parallel entrepreneurial path of technology and property investment since the early 2000s. He currently is a co-Founder and COO of SOAR Media, and partner in several other going concerns.

As an NCR Board member, Anton hopes to continue to support its strong leadership in college rugby, help NCR build bridges to youth clubs, and build the membership value proposition for NCR constituents.

Anton and his wife Victoria (‘Tori’) have two boys aged 19 and 17 and as a family have traveled to over 30 countries. Anton is a dedicated downhill skier, car enthusiast, coach and mentor.